As you may have noticed (or not, hopefully because you’ve been enjoying the fall weather before snowpocomonium-palooza comes upon us this winter), the blog has been a little bare for about a month. Why, you ask?
Because Mister Keals and I have been establishing our alpaca farm in the middle of Pennsylvania, fair reader. We’re up to thirteen alpacas, with three more on the way this spring!
A girl can dream.
Luckily for all of you who don’t come here to look at pictures of alpacas, instead of farming, I was busy getting married to one Mister Keals last month! While you wait for us to get re-established over here, and while we wait for our official wedding pictures (which we can’t wait for!!), here’s a little peek into our lives last month, with a lot of help from the cameras and camera phones of our friends.