Ever since we met at a little bible study in October 2011, this lady has been on my short list for Woman-Crush-Wednesday, Whose-Closet-Do-You-Most-Want, and Who-Do-You-Want-To-Be-When-You-Grow-Up, and I don’t think that will change any time soon. Jen was only a sophomore back then, but she’s a already SENIOR and graduating SOON! I’m so proud of her and was on-the-floor excited when she asked me to do her senior portraits. Enjoy!
We met up at my alma mater (and her soon-to-be alma mater!) for her session. Fact: the University of Pennsylvania mascot is the Fighting Quaker. He looks like a scary Quaker oatmeal man.
You are so lovely :)
Jenn’s little brother Jason is also a student at Penn and came to join us for a few minutes :) How much do they look like siblings??
What you’re not seeing here: me being attacked by a million bugs and pollen fuzzies floating around my head, and Jenn being so kind and not laughing at me sneezing 15 times in one minute.
Show ’em how it’s done at Duke Law, girl! I’ll miss you up here :)